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This document provides an update on the ETA’s Return to Play plans in line with the easing of the government lockdown and the safe return to play for recreational sport from Monday, March 29th, 2021. It should be read in conjunction with the ETA’s overall Return to Play plans which can be found here, and unless variations are specifically listed in this document, the ETA’s over ...

The partnership between England Touch and London Irish is taking a big step forwards with the first joint Touch-specific camps for young players. The camp will be held at Maidenhead RFC on Thursday, April 15th, with a morning session for U6s to U11s between 9:30am and 12noon, and an afternoon session for U12s to U17s between 1pm and 3:30pm. Players will be grouped according to ...

The England Touch Association has outlined the calendar for the 2021 season with the focus on trying to ensure as many opportunities for everyone to participate in a safe and secure environment. There will be opportunities for clubs and teams to compete on a regional and national basis at development and elite levels, with a number of weekends set aside for Opens, Seniors and M ...

Touch returns to play next Monday (March 29th) and with the last organised training not having been possible since before Christmas, and the winter having potentially restricted individual fitness sessions, the England Touch High Performance strength and conditioning team has put together some advice for clubs and coaches for the first few weeks back. Doing too much too soon c ...

Many clubs up and down the country run leagues during the course of the year. These can be both good sources of additional income for your club and new players at both a social and competitive level, but if you don’t know where to start check out these top tips from Nottingham Touch Club, which itself has its roots in the city’s league when players wanted to improve and experie ...

Touch is back with the announcement by the Federation of International Touch (FIT) that an Autumn International Series between England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales will tap off at the end of August. "After the most challenging year for the world since 1945, we are thrilled there is some blue sky for our game with the return of Touch internationals in Europe," said Gary Reynold ...

The England Touch Association’s management recognises, acknowledges and appreciates the range of emotions that many of the Touch community, particularly those playing in London might be feeling, sparked by the tragic news of Sarah Everard last week. With so many women across our sport involved in Touch clubs and leagues based atClapham Common specifically, as well as across th ...

The England Touch Association (ETA) has made significant strides forward despite the 2020 lockdowns, the Association’s member clubs were told at last weekend’s Annual General Meeting. The Covid-19 pandemic has hit all sports at all levels, but with the ETA being a largely volunteer-led organisation the financial impact, while not to be downplayed, has not had the same catastrop ...

England Touch has announced the timetable for Return to Play based on the UK Government’s current plans to scale down the spring lockdown. At the time of writing (Friday, March 5th) England Touch is currently in Stage 1: Prepare of our six-stage Return to Play protocols. Further to the recent announcement that organised sport will be possible across England from March 29th, Eng ...

On this #ZeroDiscriminationDay, England Touch is proud to declare an ambition to become an international leader when it comes to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). For the last seven months, an EDI working group with representation from players, volunteers, coaching and at Board level has been meeting regularly to develop strategy, and create short-, mid- and long-term ac ...

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!