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Legal Documents

England Touch has a comprehensive set of documents that set out how the Association is organised, disciplinary procedures, and how we protect your data.

England Touch has a comprehensive Articles of Association, which sets out how the Association operates.

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The data Protection Act 1998 (“DPA”) places a number of obligations on organisations who process personal data. In particular, it regulates how an individual’s personal information is used and protects people from misuse of their personal details.

In brief, the definition of personal data covers any information through which a living individual is identifiable.

In brief, the definition of processing covers almost anything you might do with personal data including obtaining, recording, retrieval, consultation, holding, disclosing and using.

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We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!