International Tournaments

There are a number of international tournaments for players of all ages and genders.
Touch World Cup
Held every four years, the Touch World Cup is the pinnacle of the international game. Categories include Men's Open, Women's Open, Mixed Open, Men's 30s, Women's 30s, Mixed 30s, Men's 35s and Men's 40s.
The next Touch World Cup will be in 2023 with the venue still to be announced.
Youth Touch World Cup
The Youth Touch World Cup is an increasingly important part of the development of the global game, with Boys, Girls and Mixed competitions in the Under-18 and Under-20 categories.
In 2022 the Youth Touch World Cup is coming to England!
European Touch Championships
Held every two years, the European Touch Championships is the premier international competition in Europe.
England is the leading country, having brought home the gold medal as the best overall country from the last four tournaments.
The next European Touch Championships will be held here in England in 2022.
Junior Touch Championships
The Junior Touch Championships is a well established tournament in the calendar, and England's youngsters travel to a new destination each season.
Categories are in the Boy's 18s, Girl's 18s, Mixed 18s and Mixed 15s age groups, with England one of the few countries to enter squads into every competition.
In 2019 England achieved an unprecedented clean sweep of the competition, winning 27 of 29 matches and drawing the other two to remain undefeated and taking home all four Gold medals!
Senior Touch Championships
The elder statesmen and stateswomen of England Touch get their opportunity to shine in the Senior Touch Championships, which was a new competition in the diary in 2017.
Categories include Senior Mixed, Men's 30s, Men's 35s, Men's 45s, Women's 27s and Women's 35s. England entered teams into every category in 2017, winning the Men's 30s, Men's 35s, Women's 27s and Women's 35s. The Men's 45s finished second in their competition, with the Senior Mixed squad coming third.
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