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Bath Hawks will top the University National Touch Series South table going into Christmas after taking home the Cup title at Surrey Sports Park. Bath had finished second in Oxford in Round 1, but are now top because Exeter 1, who had won in Oxford, could only finish third this time around following a semi-final defeat to Cardiff. Cardiff had lifted the Plate in Round 1, but wen ...

Fourteen teams are heading to Surrey Sports Park this Saturday for the final England Touch-organised tournament of a busy 2021. The University National Touch Series rounds off the Autumn Semester with Round 2 South, welcoming RVC into an event for the first time this season and seeing Surrey enter multiple teams for the first time. Exeter and Bath are sending their regular four ...

Heading into the final few weeks of 2021 England Touch’s management is now able to look back at a challenging yet superb year for the Association. The return to a full roster of National Touch Series, Nationals and international competition has seen membership numbers rebound quickly from 2019, with individual membership up 76% from this time in 2020. This might be expected, bu ...

There is a new North-East Lead for England Touch, and Joy Carter is looking to help the region fully utilise the momentum that has rapidly built as the sport has come out of Covid lockdowns. While the North-East had the one club in the National Touch Series – Yorkshire Thorns entering the Development NTS, Emerging Men’s NTS and Emerging Women’s NTS – and enter two teams into th ...

The University National Touch Series heads to its second new venue this Saturday, with the northern universities going head-to-head at West Park Leeds RFC. It is the latest home of professional or semi-professional rugby to host an England Touch event, with The Sycamores having been the home of Leeds Tykes (formerly Yorkshire Carnegie) in the RFU Championship and National Leagu ...

As part of their Great Coaching Comeback campaign, UK Coaching in partnership with CIMSPA and EMDUK, has launched a new initiative ReTrain to ReTain, funded by Sport England. The fully-funded scheme aims to provide skills, training, and targeted support for 25,000 volunteer coaches, as well as 25,000 sport and activity professionals, who have been negatively impacted by the COV ...

Creating an effective and clear pathway for Touch players looking to develop their game and reach the next stage of representation can be a big ask in some areas, especially while the game is still growing. In the West Wildcats region, a Revolution has steadily been growing, providing individuals with exactly the opportunities needed to grow their skills and test themselves aga ...

Exeter’s first team had a perfect day in Oxford to open up their University National Touch Series campaign. The south-west outfit won all their games on the way to lifting the Cup title, recording two double-digit scorelines along the way. But there were a couple of scares, too, not least the quarter final against Bristol in which Exeter trailed 2-3 at half-time and only went o ...

The University National Touch Series moves to Oxford this Saturday for Round 1 South. Exeter and Bath continued in their tradition of leading the way in the recent Men’s and Women’s social event, and both universities have entered multiple teams into the opening round of the Mixed Series. Exeter and Bath have split the last few University NTS titles between them, and several al ...

Loughborough had a perfect start to their University National Touch Series North campaign with an unbeaten Round 1 in Manchester. Loughborough’s first team began and ended the day in the same fashion, beating Leeds University’s first team in comprehensive fashion, lifting the Cup title in the process. The Uni NTS’s new format of having northern and southern tournaments allowed ...

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!