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2022 Touch season calendar released

England Touch has released the 2022 Touch calendar, so that everyone across the sport’s community can begin to plan their next 12 months.
The 2022 European Touch Championships has been confirmed for the week of Monday, August 1st, with a Junior Touch Championships provisionally pencilled in for the weekend of August 20/21.
England’s High Performance squads will meet at regular intervals during the first half of the year to prepare for these tournaments.
The Opens Nationals will return to their traditional August Bank Holiday weekend slot and will be a three-day tournament.
Meanwhile the Senior Nationals will be on the weekend of September 10/11.
The Junior Nationals will be on one of the above weekends, with details to be confirmed.
Weekends have been put aside for the Regions to arrange trials and/or training sessions to prepare for the Nationals which do not clash with any other competitions.
National Touch Series
As with 2021, the National Touch Series will be made up of one-day tournaments, with each weekend consisting of an Elite tournament and a Development tournament at the same venue, with one on a Saturday and the other on a Sunday.
Venues will be in the Midlands, with more details to be announced in due course as to the Saturday and Sunday tournaments.
The Men’s and Women’s National Touch Series (Elite and Development) will be on the weekends of April 30/May 1, May 14/15 and May 28/29.
The Mixed National Touch Series (Elite and Development) will be on the weekends of June 18/19, July 2/3 and July 16/17.
Aisling Musgrove, England Touch’s events manager, will be contacting the teams who have qualified for the Elite Mixed National Touch Series directly to ascertain their interest for competing at that level in 2022.
All other clubs are welcome to express their interest to join the Development Mixed, Development Men’s and Women’s, and Elite Men’s and Women’s National Touch Series – CLICK HERE to complete the form.
The dates for the Spring term’s University National Touch Series events have already been confirmed for Feb 12th, March 5th and March 26th.
Regional Events
In addition to the regional training weekends, we will be working with Regional Leads to build a structured series of Development competitions for teams who want to compete but are not ready to step up to the national level.
These Development competitions will not clash with any other tournament weekend, and the structures will be based on the specific requirements of each region.
Bookings for these events will be through the England Touch membership system, and clubs will need to be affiliated in order to enter.
Regional Roadshows
Following the success of the Regional Roadshows at the end of October we’re delighted to confirm that they will return in 2022 over the weekend of May 7/8 at venues across the country, giving teams at all levels the opportunity to enjoy some competitive Touch in a more relaxed environment.
For more information about any of the above events head to