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Chargers host a sun drenched NTS

On behalf of Manchester Chargers, thanks everyone for coming to the 4th leg of the National Touch Series, we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!
We’d just like to say thanks to everyone who helped to organise today:
Cathryn Ogle for running the desk/timings
Emma/Cari and the physio students for patching people up,
Burnage RFC for allowing us to host the event at their facility
Referees and also player refs for stepping up to help out.
Gregg and Jules for all there hard work in planning and organising pre/mid/post event too.
Refeee upgradesSadi Musson (Nottingham) L1
Graham Smith (Nottingham) L2
Matthew Walker L2
Referees MVRMatthew Walker
Players MVPMale MVP – Piula Tuiono from Bristol
Female MVP – Rachel Vile from Tumeke
Shield Winners
Shield final between Bristol and Nottingham went to a drop off (3v3)
Bristol winning 5-4

Bowl final between Wigan and scorpions.
Scorpions won 4-2

Plate final between Cambridge and Durkas.
Durka winning 5-3

Cup final between galaxy and BBR
Galaxy won 7-5

Thanks again and see you all at the finals in Bristol.