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The England WO in an attempt to raise held a great 'Trivia Night' recently at GJ's pub..Family and Friends showed their support making up a total number of 5 teams 10 rounds of questions ranging from general knowledge, sport, celebrities, animals etc. Some 'specials questions' put in for enjoyment included which country? and an Audio round where teams had to guess the Actors a ...

Saturday 16 April saw the first leg of the 2011 National Touch Series arrive in Nottingham.  20 of the best teams in the country came together to compete for the trophies and league points on offer.Nottingham Trent University's Clifton Campus, the new home of Touch in Nottingham, was the setting for an enthralling day of action which saw many hotly contested matches.The Cup com ...

Saturday 21st May - 9:00am registration - approx 5:00pm finalsCambridge Rugby Club - Granchester Rd, Cambridge, CB3 9ED£150 per teamMaximum 14 players per teamChanging and shower facilities availableOpen to all grades and abilitiesSee for further details.To enter email ...

Sportsister - The sports magazine for women has done a great article on 'Getting started' in Touch... read it all here. ...

England Touch put on exhibition match at 'City Scrum'International legal practice Norton Rose held their 4th annual City Scrum Touch Tournament at the Honourable Artillery Company in the square mile. The tournament was organised in association with Harlequins.A full day of hard-fought matches culminated in the City Scrum Cup final between Citigroup and Morgan Stanley. Citigroup ...

Medway Touch continues its Schools Cup programme of events by holding a junior indoor touch comp at Medway Park.Twelve teams arrived looking to be crowned indoor touch champions. The event was played under the FIT indoor/beach touch rules which is a fast and high scoring version of the game with three attackers v two defenders with teams changing over possession of the ball fol ...

The World Cup Draw and schedule are now available.Click here to download yours now!Please note: These are still subject to change! ...

There has been a change of date for the CISX Channel Islands Championship which hopefully means that more teams will be able to attend.The two day tournament will now take place on 30th & 31st July 2011 in Guernsey and is open to mixed, mens and womens teams.More details are included on the CISX Channel Islands Championship 2011 info sheet “ please feel free to circulate th ...

The inaugural Touch competition run by Manchester 7s will be held on Sunday 15th May. The event will form part of the MR7s 3 day rugby festival which will be hosted by Broughton Park FC between 13-15 May 2011. Alongside Touch and 12 rugby tournaments, the festival will also include “ Music, Red Bull chill out wigwam, trade village, fancy dress, massage girls and much much more. ...

On Sunday 16th Jan, England Touch held their first Coach Education course: ˜Beyond Level 1™. This was a day designed to bring current club coaches up to speed with some of the more technical areas of the game, so that they can raise the standard of their club players. The course was well attended with a range of coaches from club to international level.As the first course of it ...

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!