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Return to Play update on local restrictions and lockdowns

The Touch community in England has been embracing the information and guidance from England Touch regarding the sport’s Return to Play.
As of Tuesday, August 25th nearly 60 clubs and leagues have returned self-declarations and provided Covid-19 contacts, with 32 of them submitting completed risk assessments enabling them to return to full training.
Remaining clubs and leagues are reminded that full self-declarations and risk assessments are a requirement to maintain the validity of your insurance.
We have also had a number of questions about the impact of local lockdowns on recreational sport. There is a lack of clarity around the guidance provided and whether the return of recreational team sport is included or excluded in local lockdowns.
England Touch is not alone in this, with other governing bodies receiving a variety of feedback and advice from relevant authorities, reflecting the complex ongoing nature of the pandemic.
As a result, clubs should prioritise the following:
- Adhere to the conditions of any local lockdown in their area – this might include a restriction on travel and on gathering in larger groups
- Be aware of any exceptions to the above regarding recreational and team sport within their local area. Contact your local authority or visit for the latest updates from the UK government
- Follow the general national guidance with regards the return to play of touch as laid down at
If in any doubt, our advice remains to err on the side of caution. Consult with your members and if you are unsure as to whether to proceed or not, then pause your activities until local guidance becomes clearer.