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The England Men’s High Performance Training Squad for the 45s and 50s categories have been announced.Touch is a sport for all ages, and this is reflected in the rapid growth among the Masters categories, where England leads the way among European teams.Congratulations to all the players chosen, who can begin looking forward to the 2018 international campaign!MEN’S 45s/50s SQUAD ...

The 2017/18 UTS season kicked off last Saturday, October 14th, with University teams from around the country heading to the University of Bristol, and for the first time in three years there was no rain in sight!The group stages consisted of six 20 minute games per pool and opened with some dominant score lines; Exeter Hurricanes beating Loughborough 2s 12-1, Loughborough Wolve ...

The High Performance Training Squads for Men’s Masters and Women’s 35s have been announced.This has been another big year for Touch in England in these age groups, which competed in their first ever dedicated Ryvita Touch Nationals event in Droitwich at the start of October.Both groups will shortly begin their preparations for the 2018 European Touch Championships, which are be ...

The Under-15 and Under-18 High Performance Training Squads have been announced.The groups have been chosen after the most extensive season that junior Touch in England has ever had. Not only did England enter teams into every category in the Junior Touch Championships, but the expansion of both age groups meant that the England Touch Association was able to organise a standalon ...

There is no hard border between England and Wales when it comes to helping the England Touch Association grow.England Touch has signed exclusive contracts with Caerphilly sportswear supply company, Belief Sports, and Celtic Springs-based accountancy and tax experts Kilsby Williams to supply advice and guidance.“When it came to finding a kit supplier, we were keen to work with a ...

England Touch has commenced the process to appoint Assistant Coaches for our National Squads for the following campaigns: European Touch Championship in July 2018 (Nottingham, England), Junior Touch Championship in 2018 (Scotland) and Touch World Cup in April 2019 (Malaysia).Assistant coach positions are available for the following teams, with two assistants per team:Mixed 15s, ...

The trophies were shared between the regions at the 2017 Ryvita Touch Nationals for Junior and Masters teams.This was the first year that these specific sections had had their own dedicated showpiece day, and – with the exception of the last match of the day – the conditions at Droitwich rugby club matched the prestige of the occasion.In all 33 teams took part across the seven ...

London Scorpions had a happy day in Oxford last weekend, taking home both of the cup titles on offer in the final round of the 2017 Men’s and Women’s Touch Cup.The Scorpions men continued where they had left off in London and Manchester to dominate proceedings, once again pipping London Galaxy into second place.For the Scorpions’ women the Oxford success marked their second suc ...

The University Touch Series is growing again this coming season.This academic year will see seven tournaments staged across the country, up from five in 2017/17, with venues ranging as far afield as Norwich and Exeter.Dates and entry forms are below:R1 Bristol | October 14th | Enter at Cardiff | October 28th | Enter at ...

Bareback Riders completed a superb season by being crowned the 2017 Belief NTS overall winners in Nottingham.The season ended where it had begun, at the Riverside Sports Complex, but unlike opening day the finals were swathed in sunshine as the forecast rain stayed away for the vast majority of the competition.Bareback Riders came into finals day having won three of the four to ...

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!