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We are planning to make this the greenest and most sustainable Touch World Cup ever. Sustainability is a team sport, so we want everyone to play their part.

Making green choices easy for you

While in Nottingham, we are making it easy for you to take the green choice:

  • Visit our travel page to find out how easy it is to get around Nottingham by tram, bus, bike or foot
  • There are ample recycling facilities at both venues, making it easy to put your waste in the right place
  • We have discouraged all hospitality vendors from selling drinks in single use plastic bottles, bring your own reusable water bottle to drink the plentiful, safe and cheap tap water available at our venues
  • Reusable coffee cups will be on sale so you don’t need to use disposable cups either (or even better, you can bring your own)
  • All the energy use at our two venues will be supplied by green power sources, meaning no air and climate pollution from diesel generators

Playing your part

Any international sport event will have its environmental impact; we’ve not found a way to avoid flying for most nations traveling to Nottingham. But we think it is important for all of us to make this impact visible. So we’re asking all athletes, officials, referees, volunteers and supporters to calculate their travel emissions.

Click here to use our simple emissions calculator. 

We are not advocating for people to offset the unavoidable travel emissions, but if you want to, we have partnered with Oxfam who will welcome donations. Oxfam supports climate-vulnerable communities around the world, among other charitable activities.

Click here to make a voluntary donation to Oxfam.

We are also encouraging everyone to make a green pledge for their time at the World Cup.

You can pledge to reduce your waste, take public transport and more. We’re also going to run a ‘kit swap shop’ at the venue in partnership with SOS Kit Aid. If there is a specific need for donated touch kit in your home nation, you can tell us about it in the green pledge form too.

Click here to make a green pledge and request kit donation support

Get social with sustainability

We are making this the greenest and most sustainable Touch World Cup ever, we want to tell the world, and we want to hear from you, using #GreenestTouchWorldCup and #TouchWorldCup:

  • Share a story about a green project happening in your home nation that makes you feel proud
  • Post a photo or video of you taking green choices while in Nottingham
  • Spot some of the sustainability initiatives we have put in place at the world cup and share them with your followers

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!