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Touch World Cup 2024, between July 15 and 21 in Nottingham, England, is the global game's biggest tournament.

Held every four years, the World Cup brings together teams from across the globe for a truly international carnival of high quality sport.

The World Cup is reflecting the global growth of Touch by becoming bigger and more impressive with each edition. The 2024 edition will by far and away be the biggest ever, with c.190 teams representing 40-plus nations from every continent.

England will be represented in 13 categories, three more than 2019, namely the Mens Open, Womens Open, Mixed Open, Womens 27, Mens 30, Mixed 30, Womens 35, Mens 35, Womens 40, Mens 40, Men’s 45, Mens 50 and Mens 55.

Every one of England's High Performance athletes, coaches and support staff volunteer their time to represent their country, including for overseas training weekends and tours - including to Australia and Singapore. You can support their efforts by sponsoring either players, teams or the entire squad. Full information is in this section, or you can email Chief Executive, Chris Simon, via

Follow the Touch World Cup 2024 channel on WhatsApp for event news and updates direct to your phone, before and during the World Cup:

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!