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Pride In Touch launch new survey helping to shape the future of Touch

The survey, titled Touch Rugby Environment in the UK, is designed to help better understand those that play the game and ultimately make it even more inclusive for everyone.
Together with Pride In Touch, we’re calling on all Touch players in the UK to complete the survey. It takes 15 minutes and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
By taking the survey, players are helping to create a snapshot of the touch rugby environment as it is today, including people’s backgrounds, experiences and attitudes. It is hoped this will contribute to our understanding of the game and provide a benchmark for increasing inclusion.
While the mission of Pride In Touch, as a non-profit organisation, is to improve the inclusion of LGBTQ+ participants in Touch Rugby, they believe a survey of this kind can help improve the game for everyone.
Jane Sabuigero, England Touch Non-Executive Director and Board representative of the organisation’s equality, diversity and inclusion working group, commented on supporting the survey.
“Our partnership with Pride In Touch has been growing since 2021 and during that time we’ve collaborated on some fantastic projects that are bringing value to the touch community," she says. "We were so pleased when Pride In Touch asked for our support with their new survey.
“Not only are we extending the reach of the survey to help make the insights representative of our community but as partners of Pride In Touch we will also gain a wealth of knowledge we can combine with our own research in similar areas. This will really support our ongoing activity within equality, diversity and inclusion”.
As an incentive for taking the survey Pride In Touch are offering all participants entry into a draw to win one of three £50 Amazon vouchers.
The survey is currently only suitable for those playing Touch in the UK but there are ambitions to take it further afield, as Tom Hall, Co-Founder of Pride In Touch explains.
“It’s sensible to start small, with a clear focus," he says. "Ultimately we do want to widen our research focus, including its reach, beyond the UK into Europe and big touch nations such as Australia. We would also like to gather insights not only on players but around non-playing roles such as coaching, refereeing and supporting.
“Hopefully this will form subsequent phases of this research in the near future.”
The survey has been created by Pride In Touch in collaboration with researchers of sport and leisure at Adelphi University.