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We want you to help develop schools Touch

England Touch is seeking individuals to help grow Touch in schools across the country.
Developing the grassroots is one of England Touch’s key ambitions for 2018, but to do so we need a group of committed coaches to help spread the word about the country’s most inclusive sport.
The Schools Development Officer role will help to establish opportunities for schools to be introduced to Touch, as well as developing school tournaments and develop pathways to clubs and ETA high performance.
The key responsibilities will be across an agreed region i.e. North, Midlands, South, as follows:
To fulfil the ETA schools strategy to introduce and develop school Touch players
Regionally lead on introducing new schools to Touch
Lead or facilitating inter school games and tournaments
Facilitate teacher and pupil development, up skilling both to play a higher standard of Touch
Liaise with local Touch clubs to encourage coaches to establish school exit routes into their clubs
Introduce schools to the National School Touch Tournament
CLICK HERE for the full job description.
If you are interested in applying for one of the Schools Development Officer positions please send through a copy of your CV and a covering letter stating your reasons for wanting to apply for the position and what relevant skills and experiences you would be able to bring to the role. Please also add the region which you would like to work in.
Please send all applications through to