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National Schools Touch Tournament

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The England Touch Association hosted their First ever National Schools Touch tournament on 1st October 2016.
Canterbury Touch, Simon Langton Boys School and Ashford School co-hosted the event which saw over 180 juniors competing for the title of National School Champions.
The venue was the Langton Boys School in Canterbury and was open to all schools and junior players within England.
The competition saw entries in the following divisions:
►Primary Mixed
► U13's Boys
► U13's Mixed
► U15's Boys
► U15's Mixed
► U18's Mixed
The day started with some coaching and each school worked with a representative from England Touch elite squads, who passed on their knowledge and skills to the budding players.
After the coaching sessions each team played a round robin format with winners established in each division.
► Primary Mixed - Saint Ronan’s School

► Under 13's - Boys St Anslems

► Under 15's - Boys Dane Court Grammar

► Under 18's - Langton School

MVPs were selected by the England Touch players and nominated from each school.
► Mavericks - Bradley Murphy
► Langton U18 - Dan Mayall
► Langton Lions - Lydia Tycehurst
► Ashford School - James Berti
► St Edwards - Nathan Nwanja
► St Anselms - Milly Knightley
► Saint Ronans - Finn Kirkland & Evie Tapper (U13s) Tom Hall & Jemima Soence (U11s)
Well done to the winners and to all teams who took part.
We hope to see our sport continue to grow in the future and are grateful to all those involved for helping to provide this wonderful opportunity for the youngsters. We look forward to seeing these stars of the future as they progress their skills and knowledge and their passion for the game.
Iris age 10 (Southern Mavericks under 15's) said the following about the competition "It was a really fun day! I played with the Mavericks and also helped a couple of school teams who were short of players. I was aching lots the next day! I can’t wait til the next schools tournament!"
Whilst Esta age 7 (Canterbury Kittens primary) followed up with "I had a great time playing with the kittens"
Keep your eye on the England Touch Website for more junior and schools events in the coming months![/av_textblock]
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