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SGM - April 2013

Dear ETA members,
Please see below, details for the upcoming rearranged SGM.
Please find the link to the AGENDA (This has been emailed to all members prior to this web posting) along with the proposals being made and being voted on.
This is a very important SGM as it will incorporate a vote on the recent insurance amendments and affiliation costs for ETA members and we therefore urge you to attend to have your say and exercise your right to vote.
You should have already received the insurance statement and FAQs document from Steve Cleary ( - membership director). Please let Steve know if you've not got this.
Venue: Bolton School, Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4PA
Date: Saturday 13/4/13
Time: 19.00
If there are any questions on the attached please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Your confirmation of attendance is requested - if this is the same as for previously scheduled meeting then no need to reconfirm, HOWEVER, if your availability has changed then please let me know.
Please Note: If you would like your vote to be used by a proxy on your behalf this MUST be submitted in writing to prior to the commencement of the meeting otherwise your proxy vote CANNOT be counted
ETA Secretary