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Washout Wednesday

In true English fashion, this blog is about the weather. We woke up to a perfect morning of Touch weather, overcast and much cooler than previous days. Game faces were being prepared, looks showed a mixture of nervous excitement and some apprehension.
Nerves soon melted away and smiles and celebrations could be seen around the England camp, as team after team shared their good results. Perhaps the other nations prayed for rain so they’d have more time to prepare to take on the might of England. Or perhaps the Italian gods dished us out a bit of home, whatever it was, come afternoon, the heavens opened. We found ourselves in the middle of a monsoon. Pitches started to resemble paddy fields. Flood water flowed into the tent, luckily England were at the top of the hill, others, however, weren’t so lucky.
Games had to be abandoned, others delayed and some cancelled altogether. The momentum of the morning came to an abrupt halt, and for many the waiting began. We didn’t let that dampen our spirits though, in the camp, the EMO boys showed off their Abercrombie poses to their self proclaimed theme tune, One Direction’s ‘That’s what makes you beautiful’.
So, as we all do sun dances in our rooms as we go to bed, we are sending out special thanks to all the organisers who will, no doubt, be up all night rescheduling games.