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England crowned European Champions 2012

England crowned European Champions 2012

The European Touch Championships is the largest touch tournament in Europe. This year’s edition was held at the Lancenigo-Villorba sports centre from the 11th to the 16th of September, at the very gate of the City of Treviso.

Fifteen European nations were represented and a total of fifty teams in seven categories of play (Men's Open, Women's Open, Mixed Open, Senior Mixed, Men's 30, Men's 35, Men's 40) were present. More than 800 athletes together with 80 referees from various European countries and further afield participated.

England made the finals in EVERY possible grade.

Finishing with 3 gold and 4 silver medals to be crowned 2012 European Touch Champions. What an awesome campaign, a huge well done and thanks to everyone involved!

England elite squads proved too good for fellow contenders, as they drew on points in the Opens category (coming a close second to Scotland, as the Scots won 2 divisions). England won the Senior category and the overall European title. England took the Women's Open, Senior Mixed and Mens 35's titles, along with silver medals in all the other categories entered.

Visiting FIT reprsentatives said that the intensity and skill sets of the Men's Open was a credit to the development of European Touch as a whole, and clearly demonstated how far European nations had come.

We are England Touch

Some space. A ball. Your mates. A game
Your team. A competition. Maybe a trophy or two
Work hard. Develop skills. Get selected. Represent your nation
Volunteer time. Pick up a whistle. Make a difference
This is England Touch. Pick up a ball and play!