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Tournaments, training and referees

Hi everyone,
I hope that everyone is in the full swing of the touch season, with so much on it's hard to avoid!
As I keep mentioning there is always lots on and below if an outline for you:
FIT Playing Rules 4th Edition 2012
There are new FIT Playing Rules 4th Edition. These rules come into effect from 1st July 2012. Take the time to read them and be sure to ask any questions you may have.
Referee Courses:
We are looking at holding referee courses in the following locations and we will keep you updated as new course dates are announced:
Level 1:
Level 1: CONFIRMED - Sunday 13th May 2012 - Nottingham
Level 1: CONFIRMED - Thursday 17th May 2012 – Bristol
Level 1: CONFIRMED - Wednesday 30th May 2012 - Gloucester
Level 1: CONFIRMED - Saturday 2nd June 2012 - Bournemouth 7's Festival (see below)
Level 1: PROPOSED - June 2012 - Bristol
To request further information or to register please contact - 2:Level 2: CONFIRMED - 6th May 2012 – Berlin, GERMANY
Level 2: CONFIRMED - 19th May 2012 – Verona, ITALY
Level 2: NOT YET CONFIRMED - 5th OR 12th May 2012 – Paris or Strasbourg, FRANCE
Level 2: NOT YET CONFIRMED - 22nd June – Brussels, BELGIUM
Level 2: NOT YET CONFIRMED - 15th August – Munich, GERMANY
To register please contact Derek Fisher - or Shelley - 3
Courses: - SCOTLAND, GERMANY & ENGLAND - Please see the attached L3 course invitation
Please find attached the invitation for the Level 3 course. This course is open to all Level 2 referees who have successfully completed both the theory and on-field assessment as part of the Level 2 course.
If you have already attended a Level 3 course and your exam is marked, please reply to Derek Fisher at and copy in myself with your grade by email so that we can keep a record of it. Otherwise, please follow the guidance in the enclosed invitation.
Please contact Derek on the above email address with any questions or concerns.
Save the date … 2012 Tournaments and Touch Events requiring referees:
Let's make our referee team bigger and better than ever this year, so join in the fun and get yourself along to some of these events below!
2012 CTS #2 – NEWCASTLE – 19th May 2012:
The second CTS of the season and this time we are headed to Newcastle.
Date - Saturday 19th May 2012
Venue - Percy Park RFC, Preston Ave, North Shields, NE30 2SZ
Time - Please arrive by 9:30am
Expenses - TBA
Other - Camping facilities are available
- There will be food in the bar afterwards and the club will be available to us all evening.
- Camping will be available Friday and Saturday £5 per person per night.
- Beach touch/rounder's/volleyball on Sunday 20th from 11am Tynemouth Longsands (5mins from Percy Park)
- Please can you let me know if you are able to attend – we’d love to see as many of you there as possible!
- Further details will be announced as they are confirmed by the organising committee.
- In the mean time email me with any questions and to confirm your attendance.
- There are Facebook events for the NTS, and the CTS created under the Groups - England Touch Referees and Touch - ALL (please join both groups if you are not already a member!) to keep up to date!
2012 NTS #2 – OXFORD – 9th June 2012:
With the first NTS of the season kicking off this weekend, it's time to start thinking about the next one! Come along to watch, learn and referee the top 16 touch team's battle it out against one another. The teams will be looking to defend and avenge the outcomes of the first NTS and take the second lot of points. It'll be a great day out, so come and join our referee team and benefit from the presence of a referee coach! Get yourself to Oxford and referee!
As mentioned above, there will be a referee coach present at this event so it will be a great opportunity to get some invaluable feedback and coaching from him, no matter what your level* or how long you've been refereeing.
Let me know if you are able to attend – we’d love to see as many of you there as possible! Further details will be announced as they are confirmed by the organizing committee. Expenses will be paid on the day and as an incentive I hear that there is going to be a hog roast available!!
* We are preferable looking for Level 2 referees and above to attend the NTS events. If you are a Level 1 wanting to attend, please let me know.
In the mean time email me with any questions and to confirm your attendance. Bournemouth 7's Festival - BOURNEMOUTH – 2nd / 3rd June 2012:
Fancy refereeing at the Bournemouth 7's festival???
Well the Bournemouth 7's is on again this year and it is an ETA affiliated event - yay! UK Sports Club who is delivering the Touch Rugby Tournament at this year’s Bournemouth 7’s festival has the following on offer for referees:
- Saturday 2nd June and Sunday 3rd June
- Venue - Bournemouth 7's festival
- Benefits: Level 1 Referee course
- Games both Saturday and Sunday
- Saturday morning game mentoring
- Sunday morning game mentoring and Level 1 Referee assessment opportunity
- Free whistle, T-shirt, Level 1 Badge (if all assessment is passed)
- Free access to the festival (including camping facilities Friday, Saturday and Sunday night)
- Lunch provided on both Saturday and Sunday
- Other - There are only 6 spots available so get in quick! These spots will be offered to referees who have had some referee experience previously.
- Contact - See contact details below for Marnie at UK Sports Club.
- More info:
To register your interest to referee at the Bournemouth 7's festival, please let Marnie at UK Sports Clubs know. To contact or alternatively please let me know .
In2Touch Spring Season – referees needed!
As some of you may know, the 2012 Spring League (Season 2) has begun and they are still looking for more referees to help out at selected venues. Please get in touch with Simon ( or Tracy ( for further information.
London 10s and Touch Tournament in conjunction with The Charity Church Sports Day
- Saturday 26th May - Men's and Women's Open and Social Mixed
- Venue - Grasshoppers RFC, London
- Time – 9:30am
- Divisions - Men's, Women's and Social Mixed
- Expenses - £50 for Saturday;
- Extras - Referees will receive - food, drink, entry to the Hawaiian Luau Party.
- More info:
2012 - NTS & CTS Dates for your diaries!
As a reminder for your diaries - dates and venues:
NTS 2 | June 9th | Oxford |
NTS 3 | June 30th | London |
NTS 4 | July 14th | Bristol |
NTS FINALS | July 28th | Lilleshall |
CTS 2 | May 19th | Newcastle |
CTS 3 | June 16th | Cambridge |
CTS 4 | July 7th | Nottingham |
CTS FINALS | July 28th | Lilleshall |
All referees are welcome to attend any of these events (Level 2 preferred for NTS events but we will take Level 1 referees), we'd love to have as many of you as possible on board especially so early in the season.
We are planning on having referee coaches present at as many of the NTS and CTS events as possible.
24 Hour Charity Touch Game
When: Saturday 4th 12 noon - Sunday 5th August – 24 hour Touch game
In conjunction with Oxford Touch and Gosford RFC, a 24 hour charity touch game is being organised. This will include an attempt at a Guiness World Record and YOU could be part of it!!!
This will be a great party and an opportunity to support Sport Relief.
Please keep an eye on the website (see below) as there will be an opportunity to enter yourself either as an individual or as a team of your friends to play. dress is encouraged and you will be able to choose your playing or refereeing time slots. We are negotiating bar opening times and there will be a DJ in the clubhouse. So please bring your tent, set up camp on the grounds and get ready to play and party!!
Lance Rossiter is organising this and if anyone is available (p.s - you don't have to ref the whole 24 hours :) ) could you mail him directly on Referee High Performance Camp - 7th/8th July, Basel, Switzerland
The Swiss Touch Association is hosting an international joint training camp on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th July in Basel, for Mainland Europe international squads preparing for the European Championships.
The exact format of the weekend is yet to be confirmed; however it is likely to consist of training sessions and informal practice games on Saturday, with “proper”, full, competitive games taking place on Sunday.
Swiss Touch Association is partnering with the European Referee Director to facilitate a referee high performance camp in tandem with this event.
For referees, the weekend will likely consist of a combination of seminars/workshops, on-field refereeing with live coaching (from the European Referee Director) as well as video review analysis, both generally and of the referee’s own performance. Your attendance as a referee is of course not mandatory but it will undoubtedly assist your preparation for the European Championships.
Attached you will find specific details from the Swiss Touch Association about the weekend, recently circulated to teams/players. Referees are invited to register your interest for this event at: are advised not to book travel until you have received confirmation from the European Referee Director. The initial registration deadline is Sunday 13th May and referees will be advised not later than Tuesday 15th May.
Nick Richardson, the Swiss National Referee Director, will be assisting the European Referee Director with organisation of referee information and logistics. He is the first contact point for referees and can be contacted by email to if you have any questions, concerns or need assistance.
2012 European Touch Championships
Going to the 2012 European Touch Championships? Register your interest to attend as a full time referee with the European Director of Referees at: drop me a line and let me know your interest - !
There are Facebook events for the NTS, and the CTS series, created under Groups - England Touch Referees and Touch - ALL (please join both groups if you are not already a member!) to keep up to date! Otherwise email me to get you into these groups.
Looking forward to seeing you all at an event soon!
Shelley Grace
National Referee Director
England Touch Association