Referee Courses:
We are looking at holding referee courses in the following locations and we will keep you updated as new course dates are announced:
Level 1: Wednesday 4th April 2012 – READING
Start - 7pm
Cost - £10
Venue - Berkshire County Sports Club, Sonning Lane , Sonning, Reading RG4 6ST ( Thames Valley Vikings' Home Ground).
Contact – 2: Sunday 15th April 2012 – READING
Start – 8:30am arrive for 9am start (this is a full day course)
Cost - £30
Address - Berkshire County Sports Club, Sonning Lane , Sonning, Reading RG4 6ST ( Thames Valley Vikings' Home Ground).
Needed – Notebook, pen, gear to run around in and your whistle
More info – This course is the day after the CTS event. We’d like to encourage referees wanting to attend this event to also attend the CTS on the Saturday. Referee coaches will be present on Saturday to give coaching and feedback.
We also have a supply of Acme Thunderer 58.5 Whistles and wrist straps available for sale at courses, tournaments and by emailing me if you’d like one.
2012 Tournaments and Touch Events:
Touch referees are always in high demand and 2012 is looking to prove no different, so get involved, meet some new people, get fit and have fun.
2012 Challenge Touch Series (CTS) # 1 – Thames Valley – Saturday 14th April

The first CTS of the season and it is going to be a good one. Get on board, come along for a great day out and show your support. Come to Reading to referee!
There will be two referee coaches present at this event so it will be a great opportunity to get some invaluable feedback and coaching from them no matter what your level.
Let me know if you are able to attend – we’d love to see as many of you there as possible! Further details will be announced as they are confirmed by the organising committee.
England Touch Nationals Tournament

When - Saturday 21th April and Sunday 22nd April – 2 day event
Venue - Lilleshall
Time - 8am start Saturday morning
Divisions - Men's and Women's
Referee Coach present - Yes
Expenses – Please email for further info (however it will definitely include Saturday night accommodation, reduced rate for accommodation on Friday night if needed, and a contribution towards travel expenses).
More Info -
- This is a two day tournament that is being used as the selection trials for the England National Team to compete at the European Touch Championships in September in Italy . Each of the newly formed regions within England will bring their men’s and women’s teams to compete against each other and to compete for a place in the Euro's squad.
- Open to ALL referees
- England Touch is looking to use this weekend as a prime development opportunity, and we have a dedicated referee coach attending this event.
- The weekend will comprise of a referee training session both Saturday and Sunday morning before games commence. All games will be 40 minutes (2 twenty minute halves) with a half time break.
- We are also planning a referee team dinner on the Saturday night.
- Referees wanting to attend the Euro’s should make every effort to be available for this event.
- To register your interest to referee, please let me know as it'll be a great way to start the season, get some good coaching and feedback as well as meet many other referees. Please contact:,
In2Touch Spring Season – referees wanted!
As some of you may know, the 2012 Spring League (Season 2) gets underway very soon and In2Touch are on the lookout for referees at all their venues.
London League details:
Starts – End of April 2012
Venues – Various locations
When - Games are played Monday – Thursday evenings.
Divisions - Men's, Women's and Mixed – will vary depending on venue
Expenses - paid per game
If you have any queries or need any more information, please contact In2Touch on
info@in2Touch.comIn2Touch Hosted - London Champs
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th May - 2 day competition
Saturday 26th May - Men's and Women's Open
Venue - Richmond
Time - tba
Divisions - Men's, Women's and Social Mixed
Expenses - £50 for Saturday; £40 for Sunday (as less games) or £100 for both Saturday and Sunday
Extras - Referees will receive - food, drink and a free ticket to the Rugby Rocks Festival
If you have any queries or need any more information, please contact In2Touch on
INFO@IN2TOUCH.COM2012 NTS and CTS Dates and venues:
2012 National Touch Series Dates:
- NTS 1 – May 12th - Nottingham
- NTS 2 – June 19th - Oxford
- NTS 3 – June 30th - London
- NTS 4 – July 14th - Bristol
2012 Challenge Touch Series Dates:
- NTS 1 – April 14th - Thames Valley
- NTS 2 – May 19th - Newcastle
- NTS 3 – June 16th - Cambridge
- NTS 4 – July 7th - Nottingham
- FINALS – July 28th - Lilleshall
All referees are welcome to attend any of these events, we'd love to have as many of you as possible on board especially so early in the season. We are planning on having referee coaches present at as many of the NTS and CTS events as possible.
24 Hour Charity Touch Game

Saturday 23rd June (12noon) - Sunday 24th June
In conjunction with Oxford Touch and Gosford RFC, a 24 hour charity touch game is being organised. This will include an attempt at a Guiness World Record and YOU could be part of it!!!This will be a great party and an opportunity to support Sport Relief.
Please keep an eye on the website (see below) as there will be an opportunity to enter yourself either as an individual or as a team of your friends to play. dress is encouraged and you will be able to choose your playing or refereeing time slots. We are negotiating bar opening times and there will be a DJ in the clubhouse. So please bring your tent, set up camp on the grounds and get ready to play and party!!
Lance Rossiter is organising this and if anyone is available (ps - you don't have to ref the whole 24 hours :) ) could you mail him directly on forward to an exciting and busy year with plenty of touch!
Contact Details:
Please can you complete the contact details section below and reply to sender (
Alternatively, if you wish to be removed from this distribution list as it’s no longer applicable, please reply in kind and out of interest we’d like to know why.
Alternate Email:
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Current Referee Badge Level (if applicable):
Number of years refereeing:
Are you a full time referee or player ref?
Are you interested in refereeing at?
- Local leagues?
- Social tournaments?
- Competitive tournaments?
Do you wish to be removed from the ETA Referee´s distribution list?
If yes, why?
Thanks for taking the time to read and update the contact details section! We do appreciate it.